Discover our Green Coffee Varieties
Truly Great Coffee
Café Lobo is a direct supplier of whole bean Green Coffees. We partner with small growers in Central and South America, Africa, and Indonesia. Café Lobo brings the very best Single Origin, Estate, Decaf and other fine coffees to the North American market.
Cafe Lobo
Café Lobo, LLC began as Café Lobo, S.A. in San Jose, Costa Rica in 1993. The company was formed to work alongside a small specialty exporter and at the time was handling only Costa Rican coffees. In 1997 Café Lobo moved to New Orleans and continued to work with a specialist exporter in Costa Rica until the summer of 1998.
In June of 2006, Cafe Lobo headed North and opened another office in Belfast, Maine in order to handle the customer base in the Northeast.
Café Lobo focuses on purchasing coffees that customers need today to compete and thrive in their given market place. Our goal is to make sure that we provide you with a coffee that you need, not a coffee we want to sell.
How to order Coffee
Café Lobo is able to sell you a coffee spot or a forward shipment.
A spot sale means that you are purchasing the coffee today, for delivery in the very near future. A forward shipment, or future shipment, can be contracted at any time with specific delivery dates and quantities, which basically assures you that your coffee will be available when you are ready for delivery. Future deliveries can also be priced, which allows you to have better control of your cost of goods sold.
We generally do much of our business with a simple oral contract or understanding and may follow with an e-mail
confirmation depending on the complexity. Contracts, spelling out the specific quantities, terms and deliveries will be issued on all larger forward business.
All new business with Café Lobo is done on a net cash basis, meaning we need payment prior to shipping your coffee. From this point forward, we will evaluate your credit application and payment history and arrive at terms that work for both you and Café Lobo.
We sell all of our coffee FOT (free on truck) unless otherwise specified. Coffee can be floor loaded or palletized depending on your particular needs. Coffee is generally shipped “Freight Collect,” which means the buyer is responsible for making sure their delivery is sound and correct.